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Seat Ejection

Note: The ejection seat in the X-15A-2 addon has some animated features. However, it cannot eject from the cockpit in this software version.

Escape from the airplane in flight must be made by means of the ejection seat. Ejection from 200 knots at zero altitude to any speed and altitude possible by the carrier airplane can be made while the airplane is attached to the carrier airplane. After launch, ejection is possible up to Mach 4 and any altitude up to 120,000 feet . Refer to "Ejection Seat" for more informations.

Ventral Jettison System Failure

The ventral [17-18, fig. 3-2] is jettisoned when the ventral jettison button [67, fig. 5-1] is pushed. If the ventral fails to jettison, as verified by the chase pilot, pulling the landing gear lowering lanyard [65, fig. 5-1] should jettison the ventral. Receive verbal confirmation from the chase pilot that the ventral jettisoned.

Emergency Entrance

Emergency entrance into the cockpit is made by manually opening the canopy, or if necessary, jettisoning it. In either case, the ejection seat must first be disarmed if the ejection handles [10, fig. 4-2] are raised.