Custom Fuel Management System

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Jettison test of the three propellants.

Conventional aircraft use only one type of fuel (aviation gasoline or jet fuel). Propellant consumption is automatically calculated and managed by the simulator.

Like the real X-15A-2 rocket plane, the X-15A-2 SE addon uses three different types of propellants, all pressurized by helium:

For this reason, the X-15A-2 addon uses a specially designed three-propellant fuel management system that bypasses the simulator's fuel management system.

FSX "Settings - Realism" page. The interface is similar in Prepar3D®.

This special system requires the "Unlimited fuel" option to be selected in the simulator's realism settings to work properly:

  1. Under "Aircraft" (or "Vehicle") in the simulator's top menu bar, select REALISM SETTINGS.

  2. On the "Settings – Realism" page, under "Engines", select the UNLIMITED FUEL option.

For more details, refer to the recommended settings for your simulation platform.



See also:

Service Panel

Automatic Ignition Sequence Start Button

Propellant Supply System

Turbopump Propellant H2O2 System