Creating a Flight in Prepar3D® v2 and later

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"Select Vehicle" page in Prepar3D® v2. The page is similar in later versions of Prepar3D®.

  1. In the top menu bar, click "VEHICLE" and select "SELECT VEHICLE".

  2. On the "Select Vehicle" page:

    1. Under "Vehicle Title", select "X-15A-2 CLEAN WHITE VERSION (1967)" – or any other available version of your choice.

  1. Click OK to exit the "Select Vehicle" page.

  2. In the top menu bar, click "WORLD" and select "WEATHER...".

  3. On the "Settings - Weather" page, select USER-DEFINED WEATHER, then click the CUSTOMIZE... button.

  4. On the "Basic Weather" page, enter the following conditions (make sure the "ALL WEATHER STATIONS" option is selected):

    1. Clouds – CLEAR.
    2. Precipitation – NONE.
    3. Visibility – 40 MI / 64 KM or UNLIMITED.
    4. Wind Speed – MODERATE (16 KTS).
    5. Wind Direction – 210°.

  1. Click OK twice to close both "Weather" pages.

  2. In the top menu bar, click "WORLD" and select "TIME AND SEASON...".

  3. On the "Settings - Time and Season" page, set "Time" to: 08:12:00.

  4. On the "Settings - Time and Season" page, set date to: JULY 8, 1965.

  5. Click OK to close the "Settings - Time and Season" page.

"Flight Planner" page in Prepar3D® v2.

  1. In the top menu bar, click "FLIGHTS" and select "FLIGHT PLANNER...".On the "Flight Planner" page, under the "Create" tab, enter/select:

    1. Departure location – ELY (KELY), RUNWAY 18 (Ely – KELY, Nevada, United States, Runway 18).
    2. Destination – EDWARDS AFB (KEDW) (Edwards Air Force Base - KEDW, California, United States).
    3. Flight plan type – VFR.
    4. Routing – Direct - GPS.

  1. Click the FIND ROUTE button.

  2. Under the "Edit" tab, enter: Cruising Altitude – 45,000 feet.

  3. Click OK to save your flight plan.

  4. Click OK to close the "Flight Planner" page. Answer YES when asked if you want the simulator to move your aircraft to the selected airport.

  5. In the top menu bar, click "FLIGHTS" and select "SAVE..." to save your flight. Name this flight: X-15A-2 SE Ely Station to Edwards AFB.

You are now ready to fly. Proceed to "Exterior Inspection".