External Tanks and X-15A-2 Systems

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The X-15A-2 SE (rollout version) showing the new external drop tanks. The shiny portion of the left tank, carrying liquid oxygen, consists of urethane foam insulation wrapped in mylar.

The "advanced" X-15A-2 was rolled out in early 1964. It was especially designed to attain hypersonic velocities in the range of 8000 feet per second at an altitude of about 100,000 feet.

The obvious modifications are the addition of a 29-inch fuselage extension between the internal liquid oxygen and ammonia tanks and two large external propellant tanks which can be jettisoned and reused. The added propellant permits a longer engine run which results in added velocity.

This section contains only those additions to, or deviations from, the preceding sections of this manual that are peculiar to the design and operation of the X-15A-2 airplane. Where information in this section differs from that in the preceding sections, the descriptive text and steps of procedures herein shall take precedence when the X-15A-2 airplane is being operated. Information not contained in this section is the same for X-15 and X-15A-2 airplanes.

In this section:

X-15A-2 Engine

X-15A-2 Drop Tank System

X-15A-2 Propellant Supply System