Radar Beacon System

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Note: The X-15 radar beacon system is not supported in this software version.

On the real aircraft, radar beacon system ED-1-519 automatically receives and returns radio-frequency signals from a ground tracking station to enable ground radar crews to track the flight of the X-15 airplane.

The receiver and the transmitter of the radio beacon are tuned independently to a pre­-selected frequency within the 2700-to-2900-megacycle range. The radar beacon is designed to operate dependably from a minimum range of 1200 yards to a line-of-sight range of at least 150 miles when operated in conjunction with a ground radar set SCR-784, or equivalent.

The antenna for the radar beacon [23, fig. 3-1] is on the bottom of the fuselage, just forward of the second ventral antenna. The radar beacon receiver and transmitter use the same antenna.

The radar beacon system is powered by the No. 1 primary AC bus through a switch in the cockpit.

Radar Beacon Switch

The radar beacon switch [14, fig. 5-3], on the center pedestal, controls No. 1 primary AC bus power to the radar beacon system. The witch has two maintained positions, ON and OFF.