The Saved Flights

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The X-15A-2 SE v2.0 addon includes six saved flights (two for each X-15A-2 SE model) that can be used as “templates” for starting a new X-15 flight in the simulator. A seventh saved flight is included for the purpose of inspecting the aircraft on the ground.

Loading a saved flight has the advantage of presetting all X-15A-2 internal systems to OFF and preventing the rocket plane from moving by itself on the runway at the beginning of a flight because the engine was running in the previous flight with the parking brake not set.

It is also easier to prepare the X-15A-2 for takeoff or to simulate a high altitude launch by loading one of the saved flights.

Refer to "Loading or Creating a Flight" for more informations.

Loading a Saved Flight

The X-15A-2 SE saved flights can be loaded from the "Load Flight" (or “Load Scenario”) page in FSX or Prepar3D®.

You can access the "Load Flight” (or “Load Scenario") page from the "Flights" (or “Scenario”) menu item in the top menu bar in FSX or Prepar3D®. Select LOAD...

  1. Select a flight with the prefix "X-15A-2 SE".

  1. Click FLY NOW! (or OK) to close the "Load Flight" (or “Load Scenario”) page and start a new flight.

You can also access the "Load Flight" page from the "Free Flight" page in FSX:

  1. Just above the aircraft preview window, select LOAD...

  2. Select a flight with the prefix "X-15A-2 SE".

  3. Click FLY NOW! to close the "Load Flight" page and start a new flight.

"Load Flight" page in Flight Simulator X.

"Load Flight" page in Prepar3D® v1.

"Load Flight" page in Prepar3D® v2.

"Load Flight" page in Prepar3D® v4.

After the flight is loaded in the simulator, you can proceed with the normal or quick-start procedures, or click the automatic ignition sequence start button [76, fig. 5-1] on the main instrument panel) to start the engine.

Note: The X-15A-2 SE saved flights are installed in your "C:\Users\your name\simulator name Files” folder, on your computer. Refer to "Installing your Addon".

Known Issue (FSX in another language than English)

Note to FSX: Steam® Edition Users


There are two categories of X-15A-2 SE flights: the "takeoff" flights and the (high altitude) "launch" flights. Each category contains fictitious flights and flights that are based on actual X-15A-2 historical missions.

High altitude launch over Delamar dry lake.

High Altitude Launch Flights

After a high-altitude "launch” flight is loaded and the X-15 is dropped at around 45,000 feet and 0.8 Mach, click the automatic ignition sequence start button [76, fig. 5-1] or proceed with the quick-start procedures to start the engine and fly the X-15 to the edge of space! Follow your heading, complete your ballistic trajectory, shut off the engine and glide your way back to Rogers Dry Lake, near Edwards AFB (KEDW).


By default, the automatic ignition sequence turns ON the unlimited fuel option switch [27, fig. 5-3] on the service panel. If you prefer a more realistic X-15 flight with a limited engine burn time, turn OFF the unlimited fuel option switch before the automatic ignition sequence turns ON the engine master switch [63, fig. 5-1]. Once the engine master switch is turned ON, the unlimited fuel option switch cannot be changed.

There are three high-altitude "launch” flights included with the X-15A-2 SE addon. These flights enable the X-15A-2 to be launched at a high altitude over a dry lake that was used for high-altitude launches during the actual X-15 program:

Preparing for takeoff at Edwards AFB.

Takeoff Flights


Unlike the real X-15 that was designed to be launched at a high altitude from a B-52, the X-15A-2 SE addon can also take off from a runway like any other aircraft in the simulator. Yes, we know, it's not realistic! However, it's a simulation and taking off from the ground is rather fun and is something the real-world X-15 pilots could not do!

Note: The real X-15 was not designed for a normal takeoff from the ground. Because of the position of the rear landing gear relative to the center of gravity, it is normal for the rear skids to sink slightly into the ground when the airplane takes off, especially if you pull back too much on the center stick.


After a “takeoff” flight is loaded, click the automatic ignition sequence start button [76, fig. 5-1] or proceed with the standard or quick-start procedures to start the engine and take off from the runway.

There are four “takeoff” flights included with the X-15A-2 SE addon. Two fictitious flights enable the X-15A-2 to take off from runways located near dry lakes where actual high altitude launches were performed during the real X-15 program. A third flight will allow the fictitious X-15AD-4 to take off from the main runway at Area 51 (Groom Lake). And a fourth flight is provided for inspecting the X-15A-2 on the main runway at Edwards AFB where the X-15 program took place:


See also:

Loading or Creating a Flight

Typical X-15 Missions

The X-15 Experience

Useful Information Before Launch