Loading a Flight

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You can load one of the saved flights included with the X-15A-2 SE addon as a "template" for a new flight. This has the advantage of presetting all X-15 internal systems to off and preventing the rocket plane from moving by itself on the runway at the beginning of a flight because the engine was running and the parking brake not set in the previous flight (refer to "Loading or Creating a Flight").

There are two categories of X-15A-2 SE flights: the "Takeoff" flights and the "Launch" flights. The takeoff flights are fictitious and the launch flights are based on actual X-15A-2 historical missions. Refer to "Saved Flights" for details.

"Load Flight" page in Flight Simulator X.

"Load Flight" page in Prepar3D® v1.

"Load Flight" page in Prepar3D® v2.

"Load Scenario" page in Prepar3D® v4.

For your first X-15A-2 flight, let's plan a normal takeoff from Ely Station, Nevada (KELY), runway 18, and a landing on Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air Force Base (KEDW). This departure location should give you an almost direct path to Edwards.

Like in a real X-15 mission, we will attempt to land our X-15A-2 addon on the lakebed runway, not the base concrete runway.

You can access the "Load Flight” (or “Load Scenario") page from the "Flights" (or “Scenario”) menu item in the top menu bar in FSX or Prepar3D®. Select LOAD...

You can also access the "Load Flight" page from the "Free Flight" page in FSX:

  1. Just above the aircraft preview window, select LOAD...

When on the "Load Flight" (or “Load Scenario") page (FSX or Prepar3D®):

  1. Select the following flight: X-15A-2 SE-2 Ely to Edwards (Takeoff)

  2. Click the FLY NOW! (or OK) button to close the "Load Flight" (or “Load Scenario") page and start a new flight.

Note: The X-15A-2 SE saved flights are installed in your "C:\Users\your name\simulator name Files” folder, on your computer. Refer to "Installing your Addon".

Known Issue (FSX in another language than English)

Note to FSX: Steam® Edition Users


Proceed to "Exterior Inspection".

See also:

Creating a Flight

Useful Information Before Launch

The Saved Flights