Before Leaving the Airplane

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Last check list before leaving the airplane (Prepar3D® v4 screenshot).

On a real mission, before leaving the airplane, complete the required airplane form.

Verify the following cockpit control positions:

  1. Parking brake – Check APPLIED ("CTRL+." keys).

Left console, seat and wing panel:

  1. Trim control switch [1, fig. 5-4]Check CENTER.

  2. Intercom switch [2, fig. 5-4]Check OFF.

  3. Face mask heater switch [3, fig. 5-4]OFF.

  1. Jettison trim switch [4, fig. 5-4]Check OFF.

  1. Vent suit heater switch [6, fig. 5-4]OFF.

  1. Pressure suit ventilation knob [4, fig. 5-4]CLOSED.

  1. Radio function selector switch [1, fig. 5-8]OFF.

  1. Tank jettison circuit breakers [1-2, fig. 5-6]OFF/OPEN (aft).

  1. External tanks jettison auto-manual switch [3, fig. 5-6]Check MANUAL.

  1. External tanks jettison safe-arm switch [4, fig. 5-6]SAFE (guard down).

  1. External tanks jettison buttons [5-6-7, fig. 5-6]Check all (normal).

  1. Fuel selector switch [8, fig. 5-6]Check EXTERNAL.

  2. Speed brake handles [13-14, fig. 5-4]Check AFT.

  3. Wing flap switch [9, fig. 5-4] Check UP.

  1. Alternate SAS switch [16, fig. 5-4]Check OFF (guard down).

  1. RAS (amber) indicator lights [10, fig. 5-4]Check all OFF.

  2. Vent, pressurize, and jettison control lever [11, fig. 5-4]Check VENT.

  1. Throttle [12, fig. 5-4]Check OFF.

  1. SAS (land) disengage switch [77, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  1. SAS (autopilot) power switch [78, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  2. Jettison stop switches [59, fig. 5-1]Check STOP.

  3. Auxiliary launch switch [60, fig. 5-1]OFF (guard down).

  4. Ventral jettison button [67, fig. 5-1]Check (normal).

  5. Landing gear handle [65, fig. 5-1]Check OUT.

  1. Oxygen selector and gauge (on the left side of the seat) [18, fig. 4-2]OFF.

Main instrument panel:

  1. Ignition-ready (green) light [2a, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  2. 23-second caution (amber) light [2b, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  3. Idle-end caution (amber) light [2c, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  4. Valve malfunction caution (amber) light [2d, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  5. Stage 2 igniter malfunction caution (amber) light [2e, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  6. Turbopump overspeed caution (amber) light [2f, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  7. Engine vibration malfunction caution (amber) light [2g, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  8. Fire-warning (red) light [47, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  9. Helium release selector switch [1, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. Propellant emergency pressurization switch [68, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. Ammonia tank pressure-low caution (amber) light [66, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. Liquid oxygen tank pressure-low caution (amber) light [70, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  2. Engine master switch [63, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  3. Engine reset button [62, fig. 5-1]Check (normal).

  4. Engine precool switch [61, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  5. Engine prime switch [56, fig. 5-1]Check STOP PRIME (DOWN).

  6. Turbopump idle button [54, fig. 5-1]Check (normal).

  7. Igniter idle switch [53, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  8. Fuel line low caution (amber) light [64, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  9. H2O2 compartment-hot caution (amber) light [58, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. Pilot's O2 low caution (amber) light [6, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. External tanks jettison ready indicator (amber) lights [4, fig. 5-1]Check both OFF.

  2. SAS pitch function switch [5, fig. 5-2]Check STD BY.

  1. SAS roll function switch [6, fig. 5-2]Check STD BY.

  2. SAS test switch [7, fig. 5-2]Check OFF (middle).

  3. SAS yar function switch [8, fig. 5-2]Check STD BY.

  4. SAS yaw function switch [9, fig. 5-2]Check STD BY.

  5. SAS caution (amber) lights (four) [1-4, fig. 5-2]Check all OFF.

  1. Alt SAS switch [11, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. Alt SAS on (green) light [10, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. RAS pitch function switch [13, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. RAS roll function switch [14, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  2. RAS yaw function switch [15, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. RAS auto cutoff switch [16, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. RAS out (amber) light [12, fig. 5-2]Check OFF.

  1. Retractable pitot handle [80, fig. 5-1]IN.

  1. Skylight hatch open (amber) light [73, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. Automatic ignition sequence start button [76, fig. 5-1]Check (normal).

  1. Ready-to-launch switch [52, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  1. Engine timer [11, fig. 5-1] – Note time. RESET.

Main instrument panel (electrical, hydraulic, and cockpit):

  1. Emergency battery switch [23, fig. 5-1]Check OFF (guard down).

  1. Hydrogen peroxide transfer switch [24, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  1. No. 1 generator-out (amber) light [20, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  2. No. 2 generator-out (amber) light [25, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  3. No. 1 and No. 2 generator switches [21, 26, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  4. APU No. 1 switch [17, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  5. APU No. 1 warning and caution lights [28, 29, 31, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  6. No. 1 ballistic control switch [18, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  7. No. 2 ballistic control switch [27, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  8. APU No. 2 warning and caution lights [28, 29, 31, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  9. APU No. 2 switch [30, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  10. Cabin pressure altimeter [41, fig. 5-1]Check.

Center pedestal (service panel):

  1. External power switch [22, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. External power (green) light [23, fig. 5-3]Check OFF.

  1. External tank option switch [26, fig. 5-3]ON.

  1. Unlimited fuel option switch [27, fig. 5-3]ON or OFF (your choice).

Center pedestal (research instrumentation panel):

  1. Data switch [1, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Data (amber) light [2, fig. 5-3]Check OFF.

  1. Calibrate button and (green) light [3, fig. 5-3]Check (normal).

  1. Physiological instrumentation switch [4, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Blood pressure switch [5, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Ball nose power switch [6, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Ball nose test button [7, fig. 5-3]Check (normal).

  1. Telemeter master power switch [18, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Telemeter commutator motor switch [17, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Telemeter FM switch [8, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Skylight hatch switch [19, fig. 5-3]Check OFF (skylight hatch closed).

  1. Star tracker switch [20, fig. 5-3]Check OFF.

  1. Instrumentation master power switch [15, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Radar beacon switch [14, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Stable platform instrument switch [10, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Tape recorder power switch [9, fig. 5-3]OFF.

  1. Cockpit ram-air knob [11, fig. 5-3]Check OFF (in)

  1. Ram-air lever [16, fig. 5-3]CLOSED.

  1. DC voltmeter selector switch [13, fig. 5-3]OFF.

Right console and wing panel:

  1. Canopy emergency release handle [32, fig. 5-1]IN.

  2. Stable platform switch [33, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  3. Nose ballistic rocket heater switch [34, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  4. Ventral arming switch [35, fig. 5-1]Check DE-ARM (guard down).

  5. Cockpit lighting switch [39, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  6. Indicator, caution, and warning light test switch [38, fig. 5-1]Check OFF.

  7. Fire-warning light test button [37, fig. 5-1]Check (normal).

  1. Windshield heater switches (two) [36, fig. 5-1]OFF.

  2. Canopy internal handle [1, fig. 5-5]Check AFT and UNLOCKED (canopy open).

  1. Windshield antifogging (yellow) handle [2, fig. 4-3]Check CLOSED (vertical) position.

  1. Windshield purge (gray) handle [3, fig. 4-3]Check CLOSED (vertical) position.

  1. All breakers on the breaker panel Check PUSHED IN (closed).

  1. Pressure-cooling lever [9, fig. 5-9]OFF (aft position).

  1. Blower switches [10, fig. 5-9]OFF (middle position).

  1. Cabin helium source shutoff valve switch [11, fig. 5-9]OFF.

  1. APU nitrogen cooling switch [17, fig. 5-9]OFF.

  1. Alternate cabin pressurization switch [27, fig. 5-9]OFF.

Congratulations on your new high-speed (or high-altitude) record!