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What do I get with my X-15A-2 SE v2.0 addon?

Is the manual available in print form or PDF?

How do I get access to the online manual?

Where is the PDF manual?

Le manuel est-il disponible en français ? (Is the manual available in French?)

Are all the X-15A-2 systems simulated?

How realistic is the X-15A-2 SE addon?

The real X-15 could not take off from the ground but was dropped at a high altitude from a B-52 carrier. Why can the X-15A-2 SE addon take off from the ground? This is unrealistic!

I am an X-15 fan but a beginner flight simmer. Is the X-15A-2 SE addon too complex for me?

Does my X-15A-2 SE addon come with a virtual cockpit?

Does my X-15A-2 SE addon come with 2D panels?

Is the X-15A-2 Special Edition addon (version 2.0) an update to your previous X-15A-2 addon (version 1.0)?

What is the maximum speed of my X-15A-2 SE addon?

What is the maximum altitude than can be reached with my X-15A-2 SE addon?

Where's the parabrake?

Where's the B-52?

Can the pilot eject from the aircraft?

What do I get with my X-15A-2 SE v2.0 addon?

Your software license gives you:

  1. Five versions of the X-15A-2 SE addon, for the six supported simulation platforms (Prepar3D® v4, Prepar3D® v2/3, Prepar3D® v1, FSX Steam®, FSX).

  1. A 280-page printable PDF manual.

  1. An online help system.

  1. Free patches and updates.

  1. Free personalized customer and technical support via email, in English or French.

For the list of features included with the X-15A-2 SE addon, refer to "Addon Description".


Is the manual available in print form or PDF?

Yes. A 280-page printable PDF manual is available for this addon.

You can download the complete manual for this addon at any time from our “Downloads” section on our website (select “Manuals”):

All our manuals are free and available to the public. Registered users can print copies of the manual for their own use.

Manuals are updated frequently. Please make sure you have the most recent revision.

In addition to the PDF manual, a new online help system is also available for this addon. You can access the online manual for your addon at any time by visiting our website.

Online manuals offer much more features than PDF manuals, such as high-resolution images, interactive multimedia contents, hyperlinks, keywords, and a search engine, and they occupy less space than printed documents. In addition, online manuals are always up-to-date, so you are never left behind.

Online manuals can be viewed in your Internet browser on your desktop/laptop computer or tablet. Like many pilots in the real world, you can use your iPad®, Windows® or Android® tablet as an aviator kneeboard while flying the aircraft in the simulator.

You can use the table of contents on the left to browse the different topics or search for phrases and keywords to obtain the information you want quickly. Keywords and hyperlinks are important features of online manuals that will help you navigate and find what you need.


How do I get access to the online manual?

You can access the online help system for your addon at any time by visiting our website. Online help systems are updated frequently.


Where is the PDF manual?

You can download the complete 280-page manual for this addon from our “Downloads” section on our website (select “Manuals”):

All our manuals are free and available to the public. Registered users can print copies of the manual for their own use.

Manuals are updated frequently. Please make sure you have the most recent revision.


Le manuel est-il disponible en français ? (Is the manual available in French?)

Non, pas pour l’instant. Cependant, nous offrons à nos utilisateurs francophones enregistrés une assistance technique en ligne personnalisée en français pour l'ensemble de nos produits.


Are all the X-15A-2 systems simulated?

Nearly all X-15A-2 systems that can be reproduced in Microsoft® Flight Simulator X or Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® are simulated, except where otherwise noted in the documentation.


How realistic is the X-15A-2 SE addon?

The operation of the addon is very similar to the operation of the real aircraft. Nearly all systems, gauges, switches, light indicators and instruments are functional and behave like their original counterparts found in the real X-15A-2. However, while we regard this addon more as a simulator rather than a game, we cannot pretend that it is one hundred percent historically or technically accurate or that it truly reproduces all the flight characteristics of the real X-15A-2 rocket plane, which would be practically impossible to achieve on the currently available simulation platforms. Nevertheless, we tried our best to develop a unique and sophisticated product that puts the desktop pilot in command of one of the most extraordinary flying vehicles ever designed and let him/her forget for one moment that it's not for real.

At the time of publication, rocket engines and ballistic control for rocket airplanes were still not supported in either Microsoft® Flight Simulator X or Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D®. Your simulation platform still sees the X-15A-2's XLR-99 engine, and the solid rocket boosters on the X-15AD-4, as jet engines. Rocket-propelled flight is therefore not 100% accurate in the simulator although we tried our best to emulate it as much as we could in the flight model, considering the present limitations. We sincerely hope that all simulation platforms will offer support for rocket engines (and ballistic control) in the near future.

Because aerodynamic control surfaces become less and less effective above about 125,000 feet in the simulator as dynamic pressure decreases, we recommend flying the X-15A-2 addon below 200,000 feet. The simulator will still give you limited control at high altitudes, but flying will become more challenging.

Note that the highest altitude attained by the real X-15A-2 rocket plane was 249,000 feet (August 3, 1966) and that most high speed flights were performed at even lower altitudes.

Refer to "The X-15 Experience" for more information.


The real X-15 could not take off from the ground but was dropped at a high altitude from a B-52 carrier. Why can the X-15A-2 SE addon take off from the ground? This is unrealistic.

We know, but it's fun! This is a simulation after all, and many things that are not permitted in the real world can be done in a simulator. Plus, we thought that our users would like to take off from the ground in their new X-15 addon.

This also gives the beginner desktop pilot plenty of time to learn and perform the required preflight procedures while the aircraft in comfortably sitting on the ground instead of falling like a brick in mid-air.

(Did you know? The only time a rocket-powered research aircraft took off conventionally was in January 1949 with captain Chuck Yeager in command of the original Bell X-1. However, the X-1 had wheels on its main landing gear instead of steel skids like the X-15...)

For purists, it is possible to simulate a high altitude launch by using the slew mode commands to reposition the X-15 airplane without flying in real time. A second option is to change the altitude and speed settings in the map window, available from the "World" menu item on the simulator's top menu bar. You can also load one of the high altitude "launch" saved flights that come with the addon.

Taking off from the ground is rather fun however, and is something the real X-15 pilots could not do! Refer to your simulator's manual for more informations about the slew mode and the map.


I am an X-15 fan but a beginner desktop pilot. Is the X-15A-2 SE addon too complex for me?

If you are a true X-15 fan and already have some knowledge about the aircraft and a desire to learn more, this addon is for you. This is your chance to go beyond books and films and jump in the cockpit of this extraordinary flying machine in a true simulation environment.

All the necessary information to fly the X-15A-2 SE addon is in the documentation. There are two sets of instructions: a detailed set, which contains the entire procedures involved in a real X-15A-2 flight (perfect for X-15 fans, beginners and more advanced desktop pilots alike), and a condensed set called "quick-start procedures", for those who want a shorter check list.

If this were not enough, our X-15A-2 SE addon can now be started automatically at the touch of a single "magic" red button, so anyone can take off quickly and easily and fly the beast.

The X-15A-2 SE v2.0 documentation contains a new section with complete system descriptions that was not included in the old v1.0 manual. All systems, switches, indicators, gauges, levers and handles are described in full.

The X-15 is certainly no ordinary aircraft and above all, an experimental vehicle equipped with a powerful rocket engine. This makes the X-15A-2 SE addon very different from more conventional piston or jet aircraft normally found in the simulator. Like a real X-15 test pilot, the desktop pilot needs some time to become familiar with the complex operation of this remarkable aircraft and to be able to perform the required procedures described in the manual. It is simply impossible to jump in the cockpit of the X-15A-2 SE addon and expect to start the rocket engine and to take off without following the correct procedures, like in the real aircraft.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the cockpit of the X-15A-2, we suggest giving the manual a chance, as it was written with non-experienced pilots in mind. The aircraft is quite rewarding once mastered, but as most things in life, practice makes perfect!


Does my X-15A-2 SE addon come with a virtual cockpit?

Yes. The X-15A-2 Special Edition addon contains three fully functional 3D virtual cockpits, one for each aircraft model. Virtual cockpits allow for a total 3D immersion into the X-15 flying environment. You must be in the virtual cockpit view ("F9" on your keyboard) to operate this addon.

Full-3D cockpits no longer have low-resolution flat 2D gauges. They contain fully modeled high-resolution 3D gauges.

When loading a new flight, make sure you've selected the new X-15A-2 SE addon. The previous version (1.0) had no virtual cockpit. The installer will not erase nor replace the previous software version, if installed on your computer. The new version will be installed in different folders. You may choose to delete or keep the previous version before installing the new version. We suggest deleting the old version.


Does my X-15A-2 SE addon come with 2D panels?

No. Xtreme Prototypes next generation addons no longer include 2D panels found in older products. They are replaced by full-3D virtual cockpits. Full-3D cockpits no longer have low-resolution flat 2D gauges. They contain fully modeled high-resolution 3D gauges. You must be in the virtual cockpit view ("F9" on your keyboard) to operate this addon.


Is the X-15A-2 Special Edition addon (version 2.0) an update to your previous X-15A-2 addon (version 1.0)?

No. The X-15A-2 Special Edition v2.0 is a completely redesigned product that features entirely new high-resolution models and textures, highly detailed virtual cockpits with full 3D gauges, additional systems and functionalities, new animations, and new special visual effects and sounds, among many other features. Version 1.0 is now discontinued.


What is the maximum speed of my X-15A-2 SE addon?

The maximum speed of the X-15A-2 SE addon is limited by the simulator to approximately Mach 4.65 on all current platforms. Refer to "Aircraft Reference Information (X-15A-2)".


What is the maximum altitude than can be reached with my X-15A-2 SE addon?

The X-15A-2 SE addon will allow you to reach an altitude of over 300,000 feet on all simulation platforms.

At the time of publication, rocket engines and ballistic control for rocket airplanes were still not supported in either Microsoft® Flight Simulator X or Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D®. Your simulation platform still sees the X-15A-2's XLR-99 engine, and the solid rocket boosters on the X-15AD-4, as jet engines. Rocket-propelled flight is therefore not 100% accurate in the simulator although we tried our best to emulate it as much as we could in the flight model, considering the present limitations. We sincerely hope that all simulation platforms will offer support for rocket engines (and ballistic control) in the near future.

Because aerodynamic control surfaces become less and less effective above about 125,000 feet in the simulator as dynamic pressure decreases, we recommend flying the X-15A-2 addon below 200,000 feet. The simulator will still give you limited control at high altitudes, but flying will become more challenging.

Note that the highest altitude attained by the real X-15A-2 rocket plane was 249,000 feet (August 3, 1966) and that most high speed flights were performed at even lower altitudes.

We found that the best way to complete a ballistic trajectory at high altitude is to level off and maintain heading after the engine is cut off. Eventually, the aircraft will lose altitude until the control surfaces become effective again. For more information about this technique, refer to "The X-15 Experience".


Where's the parabrake?

The X-15 didn't use a parabrake. The aircraft landed on specially designed steel skids that provided adequate deceleration.


Where's the B-52?

There is no B-52 carrier included with the current version of the X-15A-2 SE addon.

Difficult "editorial" decisions need to be made all the time while developing a new product. Of course, we could have modeled a "light" B-52 carrier for our X-15A-2 SE addon (similar to the B-29 model included with our Bell X-1 SG addon). However, the X-15A-2 SE is a far more complex addon than our X-1 SG. Instead of allowing precious computer resources on what would merely be an "eye candy" in the simulator due to software limitations, we've decided to concentrate our efforts on the actual models, systems and unique features of the X-15A-2 airplane.

The B-29 "carrier" in our X-1 SG addon is purely an extension to the X-1 model. It offers no functionality of its own. In fact, it's the X-1 that is carrying the B-29! While we recognize that it is visually appealing and makes for some nice screenshots, it brings no real added value to serious desktop pilots who are much more interested in learning about the X-15 systems and flying a rocket airplane.

At the time of publication, neither Microsoft® Flight Simulator X nor Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® was offering the possibility for a single user to fly two mated airplanes (with different engines and flight models) concurrently – with perhaps the exception of the glider, but with some serious limitations. Researching and developing new code to permit for this to happen in the simulator was beyond our resources and the scope of this project. If we decide to offer a B-52 carrier in future versions of our X-15A-2 addon, this would be our approach, should the underlying (simulator) technology allow it.


Can the pilot eject from the aircraft?

No. The ejection seat on the X-15A-2 addon is highly detailed and has some animated features. However, it cannot eject from the cockpit in this software version. Animating and programming the complex ejection method used on the X-15 airplane was beyond the scope of this project.
