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The Xtreme Prototypes X-15A-2 Special Edition 2.0 for Microsoft® Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® brings the excitement of high speed and high altitude flight and the challenge of an X-15 research mission to the desktop PC.

The addon contains eight (8) variations of the X-15A-2 with external propellant tanks and the mighty XLR-99 rocket engine and three (3) fictitious variations of a delta wing X-15AD-4 with rocket engine nozzles and solid rocket boosters, based on proposed configurations for future X-15 aircraft.

Each aircraft is fully detailed and has been carefully modeled based on available drawings, flight manuals, photographs, films and other archive material in order to conform as closely as possible to the real-world X-15A-2.

The highly detailed exterior models feature more than 1900 parts and 100 animations. Three fully functional 3D virtual cockpits contain over 1500 parts and 300 animated custom gauges and systems. A custom X-15 flight model was designed to reproduce the characteristics of rocket-powered high speed and high altitude flights in the simulator.


Contrary to the real X-15A-2 that was launched at a high altitude from a carrier airplane, the X-15A-2 addon can take off from an airport runway like any other aircraft in the simulator. The flight model allows the airplane to accelerate up to approximately Mach 4.65 (or the current maximum speed supported by the simulator), drop its external tanks, reach an altitude of over 300,000 feet, burn most of its fuel, complete its ballistic trajectory, decelerate, jettison its remaining propellants and ventral, and finally glide its way back to the nearest dry lake or runway.

The Xtreme Prototypes X-15A-2 Special Edition addon offers eleven variations of the legendary X-15 rocket plane.

General Features

Four variations of the X-15A-2 aircraft (s/n AF56-6671) with the XLR-99 rocket engine, a long ventral and external propellant tanks:

Four variations of the X-15A-2 aircraft (s/n AF56-6671) with the XLR-99 rocket engine, external propellant tanks, a short ventral, a dummy ramjet and an animated eyelid on the left canopy window:

Three variations of a fictitious delta wing X-15AD-4 aircraft (s/n AF68-18601 and N203NSX) with the XLR-99 rocket engine, rocket engine nozzle extensions, solid rocket boosters, auxiliary vertical stabilizers and a dummy ramjet, based on different proposed configurations:

Flight Model Features

Custom X-15 flight model to reproduce the characteristics of rocket-powered high speed and high altitude flights in the simulator:

X-15A-2 Rocket Aircraft Systems

The following aircraft systems are simulated to conform as closely as possible to the operation of the real aircraft, within the present limitations and capabilities of the simulator:

Aircraft Model Features

Virtual Cockpit Features

Visual Effects

Over 25 X-15-specific visual effects, including:

Sound Effects


See also:

Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum System Requirements