What's New in Version 2.0?

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Front view of the new fictitious X-15AD-4 sporting NASA liveries.

New high-resolution 3D exterior models — Three high resolution 3D exterior models, optimized for the latest versions of Microsoft® Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D®, with more than 1900 parts and 100 animations.

New high-resolution texturesEleven high-resolution texture variations with unique liveries for each aircraft.

A fictitious model of a delta wing X-15 — Three variations of a fictitious delta wing X-15AD-4 aircraft with rocket engine nozzle extensions, solid rocket boosters and auxiliary vertical stabilizers, based on different proposed configurations for future X-15 aircraft.

New high-resolution fully functional 3D virtual cockpits — Three fully functional high resolution virtual cockpits with over 1500 parts and 300 full-3D animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators, flight instruments and systems with integrated tooltips.


New switches and levers — New switches, control sticks, handles and levers to conform better to the real X-15A-2 panels. All the switches in the VCs are clickable.

Fully functional breaker panel — The breaker panel on the right console is now fully functional with 33 clickable breakers.


An automatic ignition sequence — The X-15A-2 can now be started automatically at the touch of a single "magic" button located on the main panel. This is similar to pressing "CTRL+E" with conventional aircraft in the simulator. However, the red button initiates all X-15A-2 custom systems, including her unique three-propellant rocket fuel management system. You can use this button to properly start the engine without going through the normal procedures and check list.


New X-15 dynamic sound sets — The X-15A-2 now comes with new X-15 dynamic sound sets, including new solid rocket booster sound effects. In addition to the basic sounds, additional effects (APUs, turbopump, engine precool/prime and fuel jettison effects) are included.

New extra sound effects — Over 50 new additional sound effects, including external and cockpit sounds (switches, knobs and levers, breakers, pneumatic valves, propellant tank pressurization, gyro, blower fans, tank and ventral jettison, etc.). Contains Bill Leaming's FBGS sound system to play these sounds.

New visual effects — Over 25 X-15-specific low and high altitude visual effects.

Multiple camera views — Version 2.0 now has 10 external camera views. These views show the vertical rudder, speed brakes, horizontal stabilizer, external tanks, rocket boosters and wing flaps. Also included are left and right canopy views, a rear engine view and a "B-52 window" view showing the X-15A-2 from her top left side. Users can cycle forward or backward the different camera views using the "S" and "A" keys or a button on the joystick.


New cockpit spotlights — The virtual cockpits and external models feature new cockpit spotlights that are lit when the cockpit lighting switch on the right wing panel is turned on.

"Invisible" canopy mode — The yellow canopy emergency jettison handle on the right wing panel can now be pulled to make the X-15 clamshell-type canopy "invisible". The handle does not open the canopy. It simply makes it "invisible" on both the VC and the external model.


Seven new saved flights, some based on actual X-15A-2 historical missions —  It is now easier to prepare the X-15A-2 for takeoff or to simulate an X-15 launch at a high altitude over different dry lakes by loading one of the new saved flights. There are two categories of X-15 flights: the fictitious "takeoff" flights and the high altitude "launch" flights, based on historical X-15 missions.

An online help system with 225 topics and 400 keywords — The new online help system is optimized for tablets and PCs (Internet connection and browser required). You can use your iPad®, Windows® or Android® tablet as an aviator kneeboard while flying the X-15A-2 addon. The online help system is always up-to-date and contains a new "X-15 System Descriptions" section. You can use the table of contents on the left to browse the different topics or search for phrases and keywords to get the information you want quickly. Keywords and hyperlinks are important features of online help systems that will help you navigate and easily find what you need.

A revised and expanded 280-page printable PDF Utility Flight Manual — In addition to the online help system, users have access to a printable PDF manual. You can download the complete PDF manual by visiting our "Flight Manuals" section.

Other new features include:

See also:

Addon Description